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What People Say About Us


''I was really impressed with the support from Yousaf and TLC Team. He seemed really caring and dedicated and gave heartfelt and committed support to the young person each time I met them.


The Young Person seemed to trust and feel safe with him and was being really well looked after.


Communication has always been really good."

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Bryony Wells



"TLC placement has been observed to be suitable for my young person due to the way the staff and the managements takes care of all his ongoing needs.


My young person was able to settle in quickly through the high quality support that was provided to him when he first arrived at TLC Team.


The staff were all friendly and made sure my young person got all the initial support needed. The placement took the well-being of my young person as a priority when he first arrived in their home, this was evidenced through the way they quickly booked him all his medical appointments with all the necessary health professionals. 


Most importantly, the staff at the home took my young person’s safety as an important aspect of their commitment in safeguarding him while he continues to live with them.


Asides from my own personal observations, the young person has also continued to confirm all the above statements through the means of feedbacks when seen on each of my statutory visits to him."

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Gabriele Shonubi

Social Worker

Bradford Children & Family Trust

Young People


Omar's Story

Omar arrived to the UK from Afghanistan with no possessions apart from the clothes he was wearing.


At the age of 15, Omar left his war-torn country to seek refuge in the UK.


Omar had never attended school in his home country and had zero English language skills when he arrived.


Omar is now attending an ESOL course as well as maths classes at college.

''Yousaf helped me lots, without

him I find it hard to see future.''


"He my big brother"


''I now go college, I make lots of friends and I learn how to cook and use bus.''


Klaudia’s Story

Klaudia arrived at TLC from a childrens home setting in Lancashire, as she wanted to be nearer to her family.


She was placed with us, just as she was about to undertake her GCSE's exams back in Lancashire. 


Klaudia was registered with a local school, and supported to sit her exams at her previous school.


Klaudia is now studying criminology at college and is begining her driving lessons.

The staff are great, they are always there when I need them. 


They dont treat me like a child or get all in my business, they treat me with respect and are trusting.


The best home I have been in, by far!

Hashmat's Story

Hashmat arrived to the UK from Afghanistan, enduring a hard 2 year journey on foot.


At the age of 15, Hashmat left his war-torn country and family behind to seek refuge from the Taliban in the UK.


Hashmat is now attending an ESOL course at college.


He was alone when he arrived but now has lots of friends and plays for an Afghani student cricket team.

''Everybody helps me a lot, Nashina, Yousaf, Sohaib and all the staff are like my family.''


"I am very happy and blessed to be here"


''I want to learn English and start a furniture business in the future"

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